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Parkwood Physiotherapy Outcome Measures for Spinal Cord Injury

Parkwood Physiotherapy Outcome Measures for Spinal Cord Injury


Physical Therapists (PTs) in the SCI Rehabilitation program will select and implement a battery of outcome measurement tools to assess ambulation in SCI patients. They will be guided in this process by a Best Practice (Knowledge to Action) specialist who will incorporate several evidence-based approaches into a best practice behaviour modification strategy (i.e., use of opinion leader, training incorporating rehearsal, self-monitoring, audit and feedback, peer support). The effectiveness of this best practice implementation will be evaluated by a six month chart audit and questionnaires that determine the level of use and stages of care for each selected outcome measure.


Overall Objective: To establish valid, quantifiable, relevant outcome measurement practices to enable PTs to guide and evaluate rehabilitation practices related to the condition and care of individuals with SCI.

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