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Sexual Health

Sexual health is a basic human right that can often be disrupted after a spinal cord injury (SCI). Many people with SCI have questions about their sexuality that are often not addressed in rehabilitation. In 2017-2018 a team of clinicians, researchers and persons with lived experience of SCI identified this as a gap in care and developed a new sexual health practice for SCI rehabilitation at Parkwood Institute. 


To embed sexual health education and support for patients with SCI into clinical practice by increasing clinicians' knowledge and confidence.

  • All SCI patients will be given permission to talk about their sexual health concerns and given the opportunity to identify sexual health goals throughout their rehabilitation stay

  • Increase self-efficacy of SCI rehabilitation clinicians to be comfortable giving patients permission to talk about their sexual health concerns and feel confident providing limited education on the subject matter

  • Develop processes to embed sexual health into practice across all disciplines within the SCI program

What this means…
  • For Patients & Families: Improved access to Sexual Health services and resources throughout the continuum of care.

  • For Clinicians: Improved levels of self-efficacy in addressing sexual health concerns of patients.

  • For Administrators: Access to better data to make decisions about resources and priorities.

  • For Researchers: Support implementation of best practices in spinal cord injury.

  • For Our Organization: Lead the field in Sexual Health and Rehabilitation.

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